Ok, well actually it's hippo birdy 2 me, but that sounds silly. Yes! I'm ummm...20 today! Again. 20 with 14 years experience. Yeah. Totally, dudes. Anywho, birthday blah blah blah, been sick blah blah blah, Flikr hates me blah blah blah. Makes for some seriously sucky posts y'all. Or in my case, some very non existent posts. I'm still trying to get the photos from the cruise uploaded on Flikr. I haven't been doing squat else except try and catch up with work and play World of Warcraft. Cuz I wanna get my Gnome mage to level 40 so I can get my mechanical bird to run around on for my birthday. Plus I have to fit it all in before Guild Wars: Factions come out. I also need to find time to crochet or someone will call the Yarn Abuse Hotline and find foster homes for my stash. Not acceptible. Acceptable. Accepteble? Dude, it ain't happenin.
So, to kinda tide you over, cuz, you know you want the pictures of SOMETHING, I will give you lovely people a picture of the stingrays in Grand Caymen. Woot!

Good times. Still glad to be home though. :)
Hope everyone has a great day!
P.S Sachi, thank you for the birthday card. It was awesome. Hee! ^^
Happy Birthday, dear stalker!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
LOL You're quite welcome. Happy day to you!
aw snarkies! I need your addy again. Happy birthday.
Do you have any idea how weird "I wanna get my Gnome mage to level 40 so I can get my mechanical bird to run around on for my birthday" sounds to someone who doesn't play those types of games? Just thought I'd let you know...
Hippy birdy 2 ewe, my stalker!!
Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
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