Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Post Where I Am Not On Drugs.

W00t! Ye Olde Stalker is feeling better and I am very, very grateful for the birthday wishes from everyone. I must say, I was most surprised to see a comment from the one and only Purling Pirate of The Purling P's, also known as She Of The Beautifullest Squid Ever! I didn't know she knew I existed. Yeah cuz that made sense. It's so cool and yet weird when someone comments on your blog when you've been lurking at their blog for years now. I know. I lurk. I'm sorry. If I made a list of all the blogs I lurk at it would take days to list. But now I won't be so shy to comment there and she and Good Girl Purl can be official stalkees in the sidebar yay! I'm ignoring the fact I probably just showed up on their stat counter. Shut up.

Ms. Ryan, that whole sentence about reaching level 40 for my Gnome mage and stuff? Yeah, that doesn't make sense to most people who PLAY the game. It was the fever and drugs speaking. (But y'all, I totally made level 40 and got my bird despite the Horde ganking us every 5 minutes. Woohoo! Just sayin')

Also, I have the photos for Key West (day 3 of the cruise) posted and tomorrow will be the story of Key West and day 4 of the cruise. Also for blog fodder a picture of the loot (yummy jewelry stuff) I pirated from Key West. Yay! If you want pictures before story time, here's the link. But it may ruin story time. Or it may help you envision the story. You decide.


Anonymous said...

Ha! You crack me up!! I've been a stalker of yours for ages now!!! And thanks for the kindly Squid words! Glad you're feeling better!

Stalker Angie said...

The truth shall set you free! Welcome fellow lurker! *snerk*

Anonymous said...

W00t! Congrats on level 40 and the mechanical bird! I seem to be a serial character-starter, so I haven't managed to get anyone over 20 yet. *sigh*