Mine all mine! Glee!

I have already read quit a few pages. Witty, insightful and just down right Harlot good. So much so that I can even forgive the disparaging remark against crochet on page 45. *Ahem* Yeah, it stings a bit, but it's Steph. She's famous. She's my polar opposite. That makes it good stuff. Besides, I know most knitters think crochet is beneath them. I just don't give a rat's ass about that. Because I love to crochet just as much as I love to knit and paint. AND Because I have The Book. There are knitters out there that are being told they have to wait until May to get a copy.
You may envy me now.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
I want you to understand Angie my pet, that the largest reason that I hate crochet is because I suck at it. The phrase "sour grapes" has never been more apt.
I'm so glad you like the book, I'm honoured that you bought it.
(yarn harlot)
Well Steph, I really am enjoying the book. You have a gift for writing and it shows. You've made me laugh several times and I came close to tears at least once. You're insights are very touching and, well, HUMAN. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get back to stalking you.
Congrats Norma on getting the bookbookbook! It's just chock full of Harlot goodness. You'll love it. And I understand the whole "I work for weirdoes who won't pay me to read blogs." I actually take lunch at my desk so I can read all of them during lunch. Then I check back periodically through the afternoon to read comments. Stalk stalk stalk. Hehe
Oh! And thanks for stopping by!
ahem...Angie baby....i'm sure your copy of the book will be making to my house at some time...correct?? You know how i love books. rofl
Guess who
Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well yes of course it will be making it's way to your house. But when I leave, it leaves with me. You're house is a black hole for books....If nothing else, I will buy you a copy for you to own. lol
Love you!!
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