Friday, September 29, 2006
Numb + Scared + Really Pissed Off = Me
So Tuesday afternoon we found out they're doing lay offs at work. So like, my last day is December 29th. And remember how I said T and I work at the same place? Yeah so his last day is February 28th. So like, 2 people, married, living in the same house, both getting laid off. And we live in a town where ' job market' is an oxymoron. There isn't one. You can work at the college where they don't hire anyone unless you went there at some point, or retail and I am so not going back to retail. No really. I feel rather strongly on that subject. No retail. Allow me to demonstrate the ability for me to hate retail.
Me: So what the hell are we gonna do now?
T: Ummm.....
Me: Yeah, my thoughts too, dude.
T: Well, we have options, baby. It's not like we don't have job skills.
Me: *glare of hatred* Don't say it.
T: Well, darling, you are good at retail and you have all of that experience.
Me: Looking for sharp object to poke your eyes out with now.
T: Don't be silly, I'm being serious.
Me: I totally told you 5 years ago I wasn't ever going back to retail.
T: I know you don't like it but...
Me: No! Are you deaf? No retail. Don't make me cuss at you. Don't look at me like that, I will cuss you.
T: You're being unreasonable.
Me: Ok, let me explain. Retail + Me = NOT. I won't go back to retail. No. I would rather stand on the edge of a cliff, take a full bottle of arsenic, slit my wrists, drink a bottle of bleach, take an entire bottle of sleeping pills, then shoot myself in the fucking face so that I fall off of said cliff before I go back into retail.
T: You're not right. In the head I mean.
Me: No retail.
T: Well, I gather you feel rather strongly about this.
Me: Just a smidge dear, just a smidge. And you made me cuss you. You were warned.
T: So how bad will the disappointment be when you tell your blog friends you can't make it to Austin.
Me: I'm sorry, were you speaking?
T: We have to save money.
Me: Eat shit, dear, I am so going to Austin. I will eat light or whatever. I really, really need this trip now and if you try and tell me no, it won't be me on said cliff and it will be a different face I shoot. *glare*
T: Well, ok, so you'll have fun in Austin then.
Me: Yep.
So yeah now what? I mean, starting over sucks ass, guys. I've never left a job without another one lined up. We can't just pack up and move, we own our house. We have 5 dogs and a cat. Apartments are kinda out of the question. T's medicine is $1,500 a freaking month without our insurance. Plus, this is kinda putting stress on him and if he relapses due to this shit? I am so gonna sue the pants off these bastards. And dammit, I like my job! I like the people I work with! I make good money for our area. ARRRGGGG!
Tuesday I cried. A lot. Wednesday I was numb. Today I was just really pissed off about it all. I hate corporate politics. We have a guy in our room that is in the middle of adopting a baby. We have a 50 year old woman with cancer. We have a 52 year old supervisor that sold everything after her husband died, packed up and moved here to start over. We have a lot of single moms where I work. Out of 120 people in our location, 66 are being laid off. For where we live, that's flooding the market with people looking for the same types of jobs.
Did I mention how much I hate retail?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Now, it has come to my attention from the dear Tina that this date is also the same as the Lonestar Knitters Knit Out and Crochet at Border's Bookstore. Anyone for combining brunch at Opal Divine's then descending on Borders to digest, knit/crochet en mass to scare the (To coin a Harlot phrase) muggles with out hooks and pointy sticks? I love the idea myself.
Now, the brunch thing is not a concrete engagement. I'll be there at (or around, you guys know me, huh Dene) 11:00 am and plan to hang around for quite a few hours and letting people drift in and out as they see fit. Just come in, grab a seat, order food and chat. You don't have to stay just cuz I am. I had planned to head off to the Knit Out around 3 pm anyway just to see what I could see and meet who I could meet. Fun stuff, dudes. Plus, there are yarn stores in town to hit up. Seriously.
If you don't make it to the restaurant and you see me at the Knit Out? For the love of wool people, stop me and say hi. I don't bite unless you ask nicely or spill queso on your shirt. Then all bets are off. But I would love to meet as many as I can cuz I'm a total dork. Just ask Christina. She knows what a big dork I am.
Who's going? Who all do I get to meet? Who all do I get to see again? This is gonna rule.
Friday, September 22, 2006
The Perfect Autumn & Winter Potpourri
The Perfect Autumn & Winter Potpourri
This is the perfect smell for your home for the Autumn and Winter seasons. If you like the smell of fresh apple pies, Christmas cookies, fruit cakes and wassail you’ll love the way this makes your house smell.
All ingredients are option and can be changed to suit your needs or wants. Basic recipe below.
1 small apple (Don’t go for the best taste, go for the strongest smell.)
1 small orange
1 small lemon
Vanilla Extract
Whole cloves
Peel the apple, orange and lemon and place the peels in a 1 qt glass sauce pot. Add vanilla and spices according to what smells good to you. Like more vanilla? Go for it. Like more cinnamon? Let your smell guide you. Add water until about an inch from the top of the pan so it covers all ingredients. Place on stove and let heat over lowest heat possible. Walk away and enjoy the scent. As the water boils out, simply add more water to keep the ingredients from burning. You can cover and refrigerate over night and the scent will last approximately 5 days. Not bad for less than $2 in fruit!
If you’re worried about wasting the fruit, cut up the apple and the orange and place in a bowl with a sliced banana. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon into the bowl, mix and enjoy a light fruit salad.
Dear Anonymous,
I have no idea who you are, but I am properly freaked out now, thanks. Do I still win a prize for being chicken shit? Cuz, I totally deserve one of those. I mean sure, I know people who know me personally and read the blog, but I don't know any who know my brother. My folks, yes, but my brother?
So, tell me who you are then umm..yeah so I know if my mom is actually reading this so I quit saying things like fuckerpants.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Because Stupid Conversations Are Hereditary
Me: Hello?
Bro: You need to call Momma.
Me: Umm, yeah I know, it's her birthday. Hi to you too.
Bro: Then why haven't you called her yet? I was the first one to call her and I'm always the last cuz I'm an asshole.
Me: Ok, no argument there. And dude, it's called "life." You should get one.
Bro: Well I already called Larry (our oldest brother) and left him a nasty message.
Me: You so need to stop sucking up. You're already Mom's favorite and your head is so far up her butt that if she turns too fast it'll break your neck.
Bro: *Laughing his ass off* Oh like you're not Daddy's favorite.
Me: Well duh, I'm the girl, but I don't kiss his butt like you do Mom. I bet you told her you were gonna call us, didn't you.
Bro: Hell yeah
Me: Suck up.
Bro: Whatever, just call her and at least ACT like you love her.
Me: Oh what the f*ck ever, dude! Who took her on a freakin cruise?? I did. She knows I love her, and besides, none of you called me on my birthday.
Bro: I did too.
Me: Nope. Not you, Larry, Mom and Dad, the in-laws...nobody.
Bro: Well, nobody calls me on my birthday.
Me: That's cuz nobody likes you.
Bro: Why?
Me: Cuz you're an asshole.
Bro: Oh yeah. Call Momma.
Me: I will when you get the hell off my phone.
Bro: Oh yeah. Ok, see ya sis.
Me: blah blah blah.
Bro: *laughter* Bitch.
Me: *laughter* Asshole.
Don't you just love family?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
At A Loss
And since I am dying at work, I will simply distract you with an overload of cuteness. I leave you with Tinker and Alex napping.

Friday, September 08, 2006
For The Record
Hi! Me again. I think we need to set some things straight. I'm Stalker Angie. I stalk knitters. I crochet. I am a Crocheter. It's what I do. It's what I love to do. I do own knitting needles and they are quit pretty on their little knitting needle shelf where they will remain sitting pretty.
Don't get me wrong, I have knit in the past. A couple of scarves here, a hat or 2 there maybe even a cable once or twice. This does not even qualify me to be a knitter. I am so far from being a Knitter, it's unreal. Yes there is a difference between knitter and Knitter. You know there is. Here's my problem. In all my stalking and blog reading and such, I have become enamored with knitters and your gossamer lace shawls, your cabled sweaters, your fair isle cardigans, your quaint little socks and your felted purses. A lot of what you create has no equal in crochet. Well, not yet anyway. We're working on that and busting out of the granny square, but that's another tale for another time.
There are so many of you I consider friends and I know you mean well, but this has to stop, people. There are things in life I just don't do. I don't eat right. I don't exercise. I don't keep schedules worth a shit. I don't like cats. I don't knit socks. Stop suggesting the socks. Yes, I love sock yarn. I have lots of it. Why would I knit them? I have weird feet. I live in Texas where it is just hot as hell and we don't need socks. I don't like having my feet enclosed anyway, which is why I live in flip flops.
Every single time I wonder what project to move on to, what do I hear? "Oh, Stalker dear, you should knit some socks."
"Have you tried knitting socks?"
"Oh I bet you'd love knitting soooocks."
"I'm not sure but look at these lovely socks I just finished."
Nice. No.
"Oooh, you could join our sock-a-long."
Hell no.
Stop it! I don't knit socks. I don't even like socks. Socks are the tool of the devil. It's like putting your feet in hell. I don't even own that many socks. Three pair of socks will see me through the winter and I only have to wash once a week. So for the very last damn time, I don't knit..

Well, this doesn't make me a knitter! It's one sock! So I enjoyed knitting it. So I figured out DPNs. So I wanna make more socks. I am a crocheter! Wanna know why? Cuz 90% of you knitting suckers have cats. I hate cats! Noooo cats. I have 4 dogs. I am a crocheter. You can keep your lace and your cats all to yourselves. It's one damn sock. At least there's no..

DAMMIT! Meet Tinker. He showed up at Mom's house while I was binding off that damn sock. He lives with me and the dogs adore him. T adores him. He sleeps next to me. I blame you guys for this too. I give up. Someone hand me a crochet hook please.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Stalked! Also Hi!
Anywho, waaaaaaay back on Aug 19th, I went to Yarntopia cuz my arm was twisted and such. You guys know how I hate yarn stores.

"I'm stalking the Stalker."
I heard it, I'm just not sure I heard it right and I'd have loved to see the look on my face as the lady on the couch repeats herself with less surety and a slight question to the statement. Good job Ang. Let's make faces at the stalkees and scare them. And who was stalking me? Why none other than the very lovely Dene!

So Hi Dene!! Maybe next time lunch can be involved cuz you were a blast to talk to. There might have been yarn purchases, but we're not saying. What happens in the yarn store stays in the yarn store, right? Like a mini Vegas? Hee!
So I've noticed something rather odd, and you guys can tell me if I just need to lay off the crack, if I just have an obsession or if it's just this way. I try my damnest not to judge people on the way they look. Some of the sweetest people I know can scare children and adults alike just by walking in the room. By the same token, I know some physically beautiful people that will rip your heart out because they want to. Granted, there are moments when some people just make me think "Oh someone needs a makeover soooo bad." But I slap myself mentally and try to find pleasant things about people.
Then there's knitters. What's the deal with knitters? I've met several in person now, I've seen a horde of them when I met the Harlot, and lots of them post their pics on their blogs. So what is it about knitters that there aren't any ugly ones? Why haven't I met any ugly knitters? Do they just appear beautiful to me because they have yarn with them? Is it because they are usually draped in something hand knit that we can fondle? Everytime I see a picture on a knitting blog I'm all "Oh wow, she's pretty/cute as hell/beautiful." Why haven't I seen a pic on a blog that made me say "Well, it's a lovely shawl....she should stick to pics of FO's."
Is it possible with all of my stalking I have just become enamored of knitters as a whole? If someone in need of a serious makeover picks up knitting needles and yarn, will I think they're pretty all of a sudden? Maybe we don't need makeover shows. Maybe we just need to teach everyone to carry yarn with them and everyone will be pretty and shiny. Maybe I need to lay off the wine coolers for a while. Or dammit, maybe you're all just that damn lovely.