I have no idea how to follow up that last post. The response was so awesome and you guys had me in tears laughing. I cannot tell you how often I giggled while knitting the sock just thinking about that post. So, I'll go with the basics. The pattern is an adaptation of
Widdershins in the Summer 2006 Knitty. Basically, I just skipped the leg part and went straight into the cuff. The yarn used was
Knitpicks Parade knit up on size 3 DPNs. That sounded like I knew what I was talking about, huh.
And since I am dying at work, I will simply distract you with an overload of cuteness. I leave you with Tinker and Alex napping.
Dyeing at work? How cool!
What are you dyeing? What will it be? When do we get to see?
OMG that picture is so cute I nearly slipped into a diabetic coma.
Dogs rock, but there is something extra adorable about kitty noses.
You should submit that picture to Cute Overload.
Of course an even better follow-up post might've been a finished second sock ;)
Ohhhh, it looks like Tinker is settling in just fine! So cute.
ARgh!! The cuteness, it burns!!! JK, very sweet photo!
they are so cute, adorable - I wish I wasn't so allergic :-(
AWWW!!!! Perfect little family photo! Isn't it amazing how your "found" (no longer"lost"!) pet fits right in? Cutecutecute!
Oh, look, they like each other! How adorable! :)
Hi Tinker!!! Hi Alex!! What a good boy you are!!
Hee hee - I lurve it when different species cuddle. It's just so dern precious!
Hope work calms the F down soon for you. You've got better things to do... like drink wine coolers and stalk knitters and craft and... (well, you probably know better than I what all you'd rather be doing. I just hope you get time to do it.)
Aaawww Nap...hmm
Aw! *heart melting* Damn. now I want a kitten. Or a puppy.
I'll have to settle for a huggable skein.
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