My dining room has exploded. Rather, my dogs have exploded all over my dining room. Sometime between Friday and Christmas day, my dogs decided outside was not a necessity. They quit asking to be let out. This is so unlike my dogs. Now the Demon Dog never minded where she went, but my 3 babies have always begged to be let out. I got home Saturday night from our Christmas With The In-Laws, and there were these little.....presents....all over one half of the room. The other half looked like they had dragged all of their toys and plopped them all into a pile. It was insane. They have been fussed at. The "presents" have been exchanged for a cleaner carpet. The treats have all been put away as punishment. That will surely teach them. At least they rediscovered the great outdoors again. Ugh.
Ye Olde Stalker has exploded. Rather, no, wait. Nothing exploded all over me. Eww. And I only feel as if I should be exploding. There was soooooooooo much food over the weekend. It was nuts. There were 4 of us at my MIL's and she cooked for like, 9. I swear. Then there were 6 of us at my folks house. My mom cooked for 12. I went to the other Mom's (of the adopted family) house and we pigged out there. Every house had too much food for dinner, every house had appetizers and what T calls "grazing material", and every house sent food home with us. Large quantities of it. We could feed 12 people on everything we brought home. There's 2 of us. The puppies would love to help, but they don't get table food.
Now, there has been some interest in the comments about the new kick ass camera T got me for Christmas. Well, here's the info for it and a picture of what it looks like.

Until then, Hope everyone has a great day!!
Ew...exploding Santa, exploding sounds very gooey over at your place. Have you figured out a good way to get brain-bits out of carpet? ;)
I look forward to more pictures with the spanky camera!
Imbrium, you'd be surprised at what a good shop vac will pick up. rofl
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