And yes, it's Tuesday and yes, I posted yesterday, but there will be no posting next week, my Dear Stalkees, for reason of which you all know and don't need to be dragged back up (5 more days! Hot damn!) like a smelly wart that was way cool when it fell off of your butt when you were 7. Cuz, when you're 7? Smelly butt warts are the best thing ever! Or so I'm told. I don't know personally or anything. Yeah. MOVING ON!
Look. It's me. With lots of hair even after a haircut. Enjoy.

My bathroom? Not yellow. The lighting? Not yellow. That picture up there? What the hell? No idea guys. None. Anywho! A back view! With camera on top of my head cuz I'm good like that. We won't discuss the 20 pictures I have of the towel rack next to me.

Told you my bathroom wasn't yellow. :P
It's so pretty!! I hate you. :)
Oh, christ! What I would give for that hair!!!!
Oh, it's gorgeous! Totally worth the wait. Oh, if only my hair would hold a curl....
Nice hair!
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