Yes, it's a silver streak in my hair. Yes, it's natural. No, I am not old. I got that streak when I was 18 and in the hospital. So :P
Gaile over at Fidgety Budgie had a Stash Sale. We now love Gaile for selling gold at quartz prices. I picked up a couple of things and I will pause while you muster up a surprise face.
I got 3 balls of this wonderful sage wooly goodness (Schachenmeyr Nomotto Softwool) that will most likely become Dulaan hats because y'all, seriously, this is some nice thick stuff.

She also had a large lot (10 skeins!) of what she called raspberry colored (coloured for our Canadian Stalkees) Jaeger Matchmaker Merino DK and on her blog it did, indeed look raspberry. Then I got the package. Dudes. She must have some really rich raspberries in her area because I'm leaning more towards cranberry. It's gorgeous. It was going to go to my little sis in some form because she loves all thinks pink. Well, I think not, missy. Look at this color. I want to just roll around in it. I might actually have to crochet myself a cocoon out of this yarn and live in it forever and ever, amen.

Pretty! the silver streak adds "character". I'm still blown away by yet another post!
Nobody is as surprised about the post-a-thon as I am. But then, it was kind of a challenge from someone who didn't think I could do it. Or thought I wouldn't cuz I am a lazy ass and very forgetful. Hee!
You're so freakin' adorable! I just want to run up to you and give you a huge bear hug!
That headband is amazing! ALMOST makes me want to go home and pick up my crochet hook, forsaking my current knitting projects. Almost. I know I'll have to get back to crochet very soon lest I feel like a traitor.
Beautiful acquisitions, BTW. And you have a SPECTACULAR time! We'll miss you!
That headband looks great! The silver streak reminds me of Rouge, of the X-Men. But then, I'm a big geek.
Have a great time on your cruise!
The headband turned out great! I hope you wrote down the pattern.
And pretty yarn. And here I thought my haul from that stash sale was the only bit that had a really off picture.
This daily posting? So much fun.
Enjoy your cruise! We'll miss you.
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