Anywho, I know I am gonna let some folks down here because there are no hair pics here. None. None of them turned out because T sucks ass at taking pictures. It's like he doesn't even care, y'all. I told him it was for you guys and he was all "Meh. Stupid blog." So I was all "Oh no you didn't" and he was all "Shut up and make me some food, wench." Ok, I totally made that last part up but he went too far. Yeah, he is so sleeping on the couch. Meh. Stupid husband. So I do have pics, just not the awaited photos of the Great Hair Whack Job of 2006. I will get them taken. In the mirror if I have to. I have that much love for you.
Also, the last couple of days have been much better to me. Ok, that was a lie. Today was better for me. I don't know why or what happened or anything. Just..better. We'll take it though. Ooh ooh one thing that made me smile? I was coming out of the grocery store and the moon was full so I wanted a pic of it. Like a good blogger (cuz yeah, this happen ALL the time) I had my camera with me so I whipped it out in the parking lot and took a pic of the moon. See?

I liked how it turned out. So then I turned around to see if anyone was staring at the crazy lady in the parking lot taking pictures of the sky wearing a t-shirt that says "I'm blogging this." (The shirt is the clue people. Watch out when I have it on and a camera in hand.) and the sky behind me was so pretty it made me smile. So I took a picture thinking "Ooh a sky picture for Sandy who doesn't visit my blog but that's ok too." Yeah, my brain is whacked out. Anywho, a picture for Sandy!

I love this picture. A good Texas sunset. So since I don't have any hair pictures (Stop yelling at me! I'll get it!) I thought I'd show you the Stalker Stash and this way you guys can fuss at me when I get more yarn cuz y'all, I so don't need anymore yarn until I use the current stash up. It''s so sad. First off we have the shelves of finished objects, wooden beads, knitting and crocheting supplies and so forth.

That's the small section. The next 2 pictures are of just stash. Sitting there. Sad. There are 2 sweaters on the top in the second one that are to be turned into yarn and used for dying. The top tub in the first one is all thread for crocheting. There's just. So. Much.

This last photo is the really scary one. Bags...BAGS of yarn waiting for me. These are all WIPs people. Screaming my name out daily because they so want to be finished and worked on and loved again. And no, before anyone panics, the puppies do not have access to this room. These bags hold 3 afghans, Dulaan hats, a hat and scarf set for my niece in California and...hell I don't even remember what all.

Now feel free to talk amongst yourselves about my disorganization and how badly I am neglecting my WIPs. I can take it. Oh, and Christina, try not to cringe too much over any typos and grammer because you didn't get to correct me before anyone else saw it. Hugs!
Harsh. There are better ways to tell me to shut up and go away, you know.
so....all we gotta do is sic Christine on you....good to know.
Y'all, Christina is a good friend and if she ever went away I would cry. Also, the blog would go to hell. In a big hurry. Cobwebs in the corner and all.
Christina, you know I'm kidding silly. Haha? Kiss kiss? :-D
That is a gorgeous picture of the moon! I can't believe you got that clear a picture while behind you there was such a bright sunset! I'm glad you had your camera with you!
Wow, great pic of the moon and sunset. glad to see i am not the only one with ginormous stash problems. off to knit.
Nice stash, lady!
Can I come and leave stupid comments on your blog too? That's just what I do... leave stupid comments on peoples blogs... And tell them they can tell me to shut up any time and I will... ;-)
Sachi, everyone is welcome to leave any kind of comment they want to leave unless they are ugly. Well, ok they can leave those too, but they'll be deleted. Hehe
LOL! Wield your mighty power, o goddess of the I Stalk Knitters Blog!
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